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Sign up! // Pane end kirja

"Nou Pois Äläud III" Tantsulaager is for women ages 18+ 

Register // Pane end kirja

Registration opens in May 2025  (earlier registration helps with organising!) .

To register for NPÄ-IV, click HERE (once registration opens)and the payment link will follow registration.

NB! to overnight Sept 11th with breakfast, select the add-on $35 at registration or opt-in come August, when the add-on will be available separately to those registered.

Registration generates an email for on-line payment, and voila, you've got a fabulous September weekend to look forward to !  Estonian Arts Centre privacy policy can be found here. // Paned end kirja, saad vastu online'is makstava arve ja kinnituse ning ennäe lustakat septembri nädalavahetust võib juba ootama hakata! Estonian Arts Centre andmekaitsealane "Privacy Policy"  siin.

When // Millal

Gathering and registration Friday morning September 12, and the program starts right at 11am - accommodating late arrivals into the program is tricky.  Come get settled in that morning, chillax and go for a swim.  Or opt-in to arrive on Thursday evening. //  Juba reedel 12. septembri hommikul saab end sisse seada (või tulla juba neljapäeval), ujumislestasi leotada ja punkt kell 1100 algabki trenn - keeruline on programmi juurde pookida hilinejaid.


What to bring // Kindlasti too kaasa

Location // Asukoht

Accommodations are in camp cabins with own linens and towel.  Earplugs recommended, see packing list, above. //  Ööbimine taredes, oma voodipesu, käterätt, kõrvatropid kaasa. Vaata pakkimise soovitusi.


Address:  Jõekääru - 38 Viru Ave, Udora Ontario, make sure to turn on to Männiku from Ravenshoe, some GPS systems can lead you astray.

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